Liability for Concert Injuries

On Behalf of | Jun 24, 2015 | Personal Injury

Hip-hop shows might be known for their lively atmosphere, but one up-and-coming rap group recently crowd-surfed its way into a major personal injury lawsuit, allegedly involving serious injuries.

According to TMZ, members from rap group A$AP Mob were repeatedly jumping off their stage and into the crowd below during one of their shows back in 2013. Unfortunately, a young fan named Tammy Nguyen was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Rapper A$AP Ferg (one of the group’s most famous stars) allegedly dove directly onto her from the stage, inflicting a “world of hurt” onto the unsuspecting woman in the crowd below.

Adding insult to injury, Nguyen then had to fight her way through an unsympathetic crowd as she tried desperately to access medical attention. Meanwhile, she claims, event security staff refused to assist.

Ultimately, Nguyen slapped the group and their free-falling front man with a personal injury lawsuit this spring. And, as BET reports, it’s already settled out of court for an undisclosed amount.

But could Nguyen have gone after more? Who’s really at fault for these kinds of injuries at live music events? We look at liability for concert injuries below.

Who Can You Sue After an Injury at a Concert?

Concert injuries are incredibly common. The mix of adrenaline, low lighting, loud music, close crowds, youth, alcohol, and (in some cases) drugs can prove especially disastrous for innocent music fans.

In fact, serious injury and death are surprisingly common at live events. Mass trampling, fires, explosions, fallen equipment, tripping injuries, slip and falls, and even violence have been reported.

The well-documented history of injuries at concerts effectively puts performers, event organizers, venue owners, and other responsible parties on notice. The risk of harm is clearly foreseeable, and these parties have a legal duty to protect the public from harm. That’s true whether the artist in question is a Billboard chart topper or a relative unknown.

Too often, victims in these cases fail to adequately pursue all of the potential sources for compensation for their suffering. Liability for concert injuries may extend to:

  • The singer / band / performer
  • Touring crews
  • Security staff
  • Venue owners
  • Facility managers
  • An artist’s manager / management company
  • Concert promoter
  • Local police / city or county government
  • Other concertgoers
  • Third-party service providers or vendors that may contribute to a dangerous condition at the event
  • Any other party responsible for the injuries

Often, it’s possible to bring a personal injury lawsuit against several of these parties at once, ensuring that everyone responsible is held accountable for their negligence. An experienced and aggressive Miami personal injury lawyer can help you explore all of your options for compensation.

Legal Representation from a Lawyer

If you or a loved one has suffered injury at a concert, sporting event, or another public gathering, you may be entitled to significant financial compensation for your suffering.

At Kaire & Heffernan, LLC, we offer contingency fee arrangements for our personal injury clients, meaning you won’t have to pay a penny for our services unless there’s a successful outcome for your case. We’ll work hard to maximize your recovery under the law.

Time limits apply, though, so don’t delay. Contact us as soon as possible to set up a free consultation with one of our attorneys.


Related Information

Photo Credit: crsan cc

Mark Kaire has been practicing law in Miami for nearly 30 years. He is dedicated to helping the injured people of Miami receive compensation. Mr. Kaire has been blogging on Miami’s legal issues for many years.