Workers’ Compensation

Making a Workers’ Compensation Claim for Stress and Emotional Distress

Do you work in a high-stress environment? If so, you’re probably well aware of the real, physical problems excessive stress can cause. Stress and emotional distress you experience at work on a regular basis can impact your physical and mental health along with productivity, personal relationships and overall well-being. Did you know that if you suffer from work-related stress that…

Were You Injured on the Job? Know Your Rights

Are you seeking a workers’ compensation attorney after an on-the-job injury? The experienced lawyers at Kaire & Heffernan, LLC, can help you navigate the Florida workers’ comp system and get the compensation you deserve. To begin the process, it’s important to understand what workers’ compensation includes and how the claims process works to ensure that your rights under the law…

What Does Workers Compensation Cover in Miami

Florida law requires that most employers provide workers’ compensation benefits for workers who suffer accidental injury as the result of their occupational duties. To receive benefits, the employee must establish — with a reasonable level of medical certainty — that the injury and any related disability resulted primarily from the individual’s job. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help you…

Florida Workers Compensations Law and Settlements

If you’re injured on the job, you may be eligible for benefits under Florida’s workers’ compensation system. This state-mandated insurance covers medical care, loss of wages, and other harm incurred by workers who suffer illnesses or injuries related to their work. The Florida state statutes provide a detailed description of workers’ compensation law and all related issues, including who is…

Miami Workers Compensation Claim Process

If you’re injured or develop an illness because of your work, you may be covered by the Florida workers’ compensation system. Workers’ compensation replaces some wages, pays for medical care and may provide additional financial assistance for workers who qualify for coverage. To receive benefits, you must report your illness or injury to your employer in a timely manner and…