On Behalf of | May 15, 2019 | News

On April 29, 2019, United States District Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr., entered an Order of Recusal in the case of Richard Cole, on behalf of himself, and all other similarly situated vs. United Healthcare Ins., Co.  The Judge had been presiding over a case brought by Richard Cole, a local Miami attorney.  Richard Cole alleged that United Healthcare Insurance Company, wrongfully denied coverage for proton radiation treatment for his prostate cancer.  Richard Cole brought the claim on behalf of himself as well as all others whom had been denied coverage for this treatment by United Healthcare Ins. Co.  Fortunately, Mr. Cole had the ability to pay for the proton radiation treatment and has been cancer free since treatment was completed. 

In his Order of Recusal,
Judge Scola courageously states that in early 2017, he had been diagnosed with
prostate cancer.  As a result, he
consulted with top medical experts throughout the Country, all of whom opined
that if Judge Scola was to opt for radiation treatment, proton radiation was
the far wiser course.  Additionally, the
Court references a close friend, who faced the same facts as Mr. Cole and was
denied proton radiation treatment by United Healthcare and had to personally
pay the $150,000.00 necessary for the treatment.  Like Mr. Cole, he too is cancer free
following the treatment,

In conclusion the
Court stated “It is undisputed among legitimate medical experts that proton
radiation therapy is not experimental and causes much less collateral damage
than traditional radiation. To deny a patient this treatment, if it is
available is immoral and barbaric.”

Given Judge Scola’s
strong opinions, he entered the Order of Recusal as he believed he could not
decide the case fairly and impartially.

If you believe
that your health insurance carrier has wrongfully denied a claim contact the
attorneys at Kaire & Heffernan for a free consultation.

For over 20 years, David R. Heffernan, has been an advocate for those injured due to negligence including medical malpracticewrongful deathpersonal injuryautomobile and trucking accidentspharmaceutical and products liability and premises liability. He has obtained numerous seven-figure settlements and verdicts for his clients and is dedicated to helping the injured people of Miami receive compensation for their injuries.