A combination of great lawyering and a good client resulted in a $1.48 Million Verdict. The Plaintiff was a 37 year old father of four when he was rear ended at a stop light.
The Plaintiff had immediate complaints of radiating right leg pain following the accident. The radiating leg pain is a sign of a herniated disc.
What made the lawyering in this case so good was the fact that the Plaintiff had gone to his chiropractor 7 days earlier with complaints of low back pain.
As is typical in these cases the insurance company failed to properly evaluate the client and the injury, and offered $20,000.00. The jury thought otherwise and returned a verdict of $1.48 Million Dollars; including $1.30 Million Dollars for pain and suffering.
It would appear as if the jury truly liked the client, his doctor, and his lawyer. Likewise they apparently disliked the defense doctor.
Mark Kaire has been practicing law in Miami for nearly 30 years. He is dedicated to helping the injured people of Miami receive compensation. Mr. Kaire has been blogging on Miami’s legal issues for many years.