Yet another cyclist injured in South Florida. At approximately 5:40 PM, a driver in a 3 wheel car hit Four cyclists who were on the sidewalk.
The crash occurred near the Terminal Island stop light, where people turn to head for the Fisher Island ferry or the U.S. Coast Guard station.
Miami Beach police said one woman has been flown to Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital with a head injury.
This is an all too often occurrence. We are cyclists and lawyers, so these accidents hit particularly close to home. We have been called too often to represent individuals and families who have needlessly lost loved ones.
It is time for the city and county to make meaningful changes to our roads.
It is time to pass legislation with stricter penalties for distracted driving.
It is time to make Bodily Injury Liability Insurance coverage mandatory.
Our thoughts go out to the injured cyclists.
Mark Kaire has been practicing law in Miami for nearly 30 years. He is dedicated to helping the injured people of Miami receive compensation. Mr. Kaire has been blogging on Miami’s legal issues for many years.