Kaire & Heffernan, PLLC Legal Blog

Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Help Improve Patient Safety

Medical malpractice takes the lives of approximately 100,000 individuals every year. That is 100,000 opportunities to learn and teach. The best way to reduce future medical malpractice is to learn about past errors with an eye toward improving future care. Doctors and hospitals are starting to learn from their mistakes, and integrating information from lawsuits into patient safety efforts. In…

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) Related Birth Defects when Taken during Pregnancy

SSRIs are Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors a type of antidepressant. In fact, these are some of the most popular antidepressants that have ever hit the market. Billions of dollars are made each year in the treatment of depression and other mental illnesses around the world. SSRIs work because they allow more serotonin (a chemical in the brain) to circulate in…

Spinal Cord Injury Facts and Statistics

Occurring in numbers too frightening to consider for some, spinal cord injuries take a significant toll each year on families, individuals, and medical expenditures. The life changing effects of a spinal cord injury can range from temporary impairment to full and complete paralysis to death. In the United States alone, there are somewhere between 10 and 12 thousand spinal cord…

Plastic Surgery Injury and Negligence Statistics

If you or someone you love is considering plastic surgery of any kind, you would be best to become fully aware of all of the risks associated with surgery in general and your particular surgery in particular. As the population is aging the number of individuals seeking to change or alter their physical appearance in some way seems to be…

Methadone Dangers and Side Effects

What is methadone? Methadone is a man-made (synthetic) compound. It is a narcotic (opioid) analgesic. This means it’s made by man for the purpose of treating pain. However, it is also used to treat opioid dependency. As an anti-addictive, this medicine may be obtained from a physician or from a methadone clinic. Frequently used for the treatment of chronic pain…

Depakote Birth Defects when Taken During Pregnancy

Depakote is an anti-seizure medication that is taken in oral form. This medication, as the generic divalproex, was first approved in 1978 for the treatment of epilepsy and other seizure disorders. Depakote (divalproex) is also used to treat bipolar disorder. You may have also heard this drug called valproic acid because this is the active ingredient in divalproex. These medications…

Athlete Concussions and Head Injury

Experts studying the impact, threat, and potential effects of concussions on young athletes’ leverage heavy warnings to heighten the awareness surrounding the long term effects. Consider this: • Brain development not complete until mid-20s • Injury to a not fully developed brain may change path of a life • Women are more disposed to concussion maybe because necks not as…

Whiplash Injury Claims in Florida

Some people claim and like to believe that whiplash claims are not real. Claims are made that claimants are faking just to win money, to not have to work, or to make someone else’s life miserable. That is generally not the case. On the average, people are honest, hardworking individuals. Most people when it comes to a whiplash claim or…

Pro Se vs. Not Pro Se Statistics

First of all, what is PRO SE? Simple enough to answer, but a good question nonetheless. Unless you live, eat, and breath in the legal environment or you’ve been to court representing yourself, you may never have heard these words. Pro se is Latin for meaning “for oneself.” It means in a court of law that you decide to represent…